Senin, 19 Januari 2015

soursop leaves for anticancer

photo : eko yanuarto
soursop (Annona Muricata) is tree from Caribia,  America and now in Asia. sweet fruit taste a little sour and suitable for making juice. other than a sweet fruit turns soursop leaves also have anticancer benefits.

Benefits of soursop leaf turns 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy to treat cancer from . soursop leaf extract can slow the growth of cancer cells and its contain active compounds anticancer great to inhibit tumor before they turn into cancer.

soursop leaves contain acetogenesis compounds that protect against cancer cells. soursop leaf controlling excessive protein synthesis which is the source of energy for cancer cells. the result food supply for cancer cell inhibited so that the growth of cancer cells late. acetogenesis on soursop leaves only kill cancer cells without damaging other cells so it is safe for consumption

how to easily create soursop leaf extract at home as follows:
1. provide 10 to 15 old soursop leaves .
2. enter soursop leaves and 3 cups of water into a pot and boiled
3. boiled until the remaining 1 cup and let stand for 6 minutes.
4. discard the foam on the surface and avoid consuming the sediment
5. enter into a glass and add ice to make it more delicious
6. soursop leaf extract ready to drink

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